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My education

University of toronto
Track one, undeclared engineering

2020 - 2024

Activities and Societies: University of Toronto Engineering Academy (1st), UTSU Engineering Director (1st), EngSoc First Year Representative (1st)


The TOPS Program, located at Marc Garneau C.I. (Toronto, ON), is a special high school program for students interested in enrichment in the maths, sciences, and language arts. The TOPS entrance exam and application process are extremely difficult with an acceptance rate of 8%. TOPS offers a strong leadership program and encourages students to reach their utmost ability. The TOPS Program has been named by Maclean's Magazine as the best public school program in Canada.


MArc garneau collegiate institute
tops program, grade 9-12

2016 - 2020

Activities and Societies: Student Council President (12), Student Council Grade 10 Representative (10), Student Council Grade 9 Ambassador (9), DECA MGCI Head of Operations (11-12), DECA MGCI VP of Outreach (10), DECA MGCI Member (9), The Reckoner Outreach Board Member (9-12), The Reckoner Editorial Member (11-12), Blossom President and Founder (11-12), Volleyball Team (9-11), Badminton Team (9-12), Junior Quiz League Team Member (9-10), Chess Team Member (10)


The TOPS Program, located at Marc Garneau C.I. (Toronto, ON), is a special high school program for students interested in enrichment in the maths, sciences, and language arts. The TOPS entrance exam and application process are extremely difficult with an acceptance rate of 8%. TOPS offers a strong leadership program and encourages students to reach their utmost ability. The TOPS Program has been named by Maclean's Magazine as the best public school program in Canada.


cummer valley middle school
gifted program, grade 6-8

2013 - 2016

Activities and Societies: Concert Master (8), First Violin Player (6-8), Volleyball Team (6-8), Badminton Team (6-7), Ultimate Frisbee Team (7-8), Science Olympics Team (7-8), Eco Club (7-8), Student Council (6-7), Rumplestiltskin Play (6)


Cummer Valley Middle School opened in 1985 and was named in honour of Jacob Cummer and his family, who were among the first settlers in this area. The school was built in 1960 and was called Northmount Junior High School until 1985.

The school currently has about 600 students in Grades 6, 7, and 8. The school services three elementary schools and provides a transition program that supports the unique needs of students during their early adolescent years.

Nelson was an Honour Roll student within the Gifted Program.

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